On a trip out west with my family this past February I managed to stumble upon a nice little coffee shop in “Old Town” Albuquerque called Cutbow Coffee. The name comes from the cutbow trout as the owner’s (Paul Gallegos) father was an avid fisherman in New Mexico. When I was in college I used to go trout fishing with my best friend (including a beautiful trip to the Smoky Mountains where I fell into river almost immediately and completely soaked everything I had packed and the inside of my waiters), so the idea of this coffee roaster touched me at multiple levels. Paul was also a lead roaster for Peet’s coffee, having personally roasted over 70 million pounds (!), so I had to get a cup (and a bag for home) before flying out.
My first impression of the coffee shop was surprise: Albuquerque has a small town feel so I wondered if I would be able to find a truly first rate coffee roastery. Cutbow greatly exceeded my expectations. The coffee was delicious and you can tell that Paul has a passion for coffee that is much broader than the drink itself. It is a social experience that binds people together, you can see this printed on the side of the bag even. Proper coffee preparation instructions include, “pour a bit [of water] out to honor those who have gone before us, slow down, savor a sip, share with a friend.”
This is a great place to slow down and enjoy a good cup of coffee. They even had fresh Ethiopian Yirgacheffe on the shelf to boot. And if that is not enough, there are homemade marshmallows. Yum. You can even get a flight of three 4 oz coffees, “freshly ground and brewed to order, served table side in French Press, w/ palate cleansing sparkling water.” Gotta go, I am booking a plane ticket for right now…
“One of the country’s most celebrated roasters explains how to choose, brew, and enjoy the new breed of artisan coffees at home, along with 40 inventive recipes that incorporate coffee or taste good with a cup.”