I recently took a trip with my family to the beach, so I availed myself of the opportunity to search out coffee shops in Gulf Shores, Alabam. My typical mode of operation for finding new coffee shops involves a few steps:
- Google roasters – I start by Googling coffee roasters in my target area. Usually the first few hits will be enough information to let you know who is roasting in the area. They get bonus points if they have pictures of the roaster in their coffee shop and/or giant bags full of green coffee.
- Evaluate the coffee selection – If I see an emphasis on single origin coffee, or an emphasis on connecting to the grower, I figure I am probably looking at an artisan coffee shop. Typically I am looking for super fruity coffees, so I try to make sure they have something that interests me. I generally stay away from coffee shops that have lots of flavored coffee, this signals to me the are not as passionate about the beans themselves. While I prioritize local roasters, I have seen a few companies that feature a selection of coffees from various roasters. I am almost always interested in a place like that both because I assume I can get a good brew and the business model is intriguing:)
- Look for Coffee gear – If the website features pics of a Chemex, V60, Aeropress, gooseneck kettle, cold brew system/tower, or Kalita Wave I get the signal to that the coffee shop is probably worth short-listing.
- Check reviews – My final step is to check online reviews. I am less concerned about the star rating and more concerned about what people go there for. Is the place well known for their pastries, or their coffee? A lot of cafe’s will have rave reviews of their food and little comment about their coffee. Probably not what I am looking for.
Southern Shores Coffee Shops in Gulf Shores
Talk about dream job – I think roasting coffee a few minutes away from the beach would have to be one of mine. As of June 2020, Southern Shores has two coffee shops in Gulf Shores, with the E 20th Ave location being the newest and also the new roasting location. Lots of bonus points for having the roaster located in the back of the shop and running while I was there with plenty of green beans on display. I also love their logo.

I was able to get a nice light roast prepared for me in a Chemex. Very happy to see that option offered and not just a standard drip.
In my search, this was the only roaster located in Gulf Shores or Orange beach I was able to find. Most other coffee shops in Gulf Shores bought beans from outside roasters. I had hoped to try Our Coffee, but they recently relocated to Foley, Alabama and that trip was not meant to be this time.
Foam Coffee Shop in Gulf Shores
Right around the corner from Southern Shores is this pleasant little cafe. It has a very minimalist, calm feel to it that seemed very appropriate for a beach location to me, and the baristas do a good job and are very passionate about their trade.

My first trip there I got a Cuban, which is basically a latte made with condensed milk. It was very tasty, sweet, and yes, foamy. It was the end of the of the day, so I was unable to do my usual drip or pour-over as they were closing up, but I was very satisfied with my choice!
The following day I returned earlier in the day and got a drip coffee that was a bend of Ethiopian and other East African coffees (they didn’t say which). The coffee was very pleasant and had slight fruity hints, which I always appreciate.

The Happy Pappys Coffee Shop in Gulf Shores
I did not make it out to this coffee shop in my Gulf Shores exploration, but it was on my short list. Things I like about this shop:
- They have a large coffee menu (relatively speaking). Looking around at other shops in Gulf Shores, most seem to be food focused more than coffee focused. THP still seems to be very food focused, but at least they have an extensive coffee menu.
- It’s family run. I know that has nothing to do with the coffee, but as a parent, I want to bless my children with an understanding of business and finance that will prepare them for their future endeavors.
- Look at Yelp. I noticed 2 things when I looked at their pictures – big bags of green coffee beans, and macarons. Their menu says “Powered by Hard Bean Coffee,” so I am not sure what the bags of coffee are for, but it gives me the impression that they care about coffee. As for the macarons, what can I say – I am a sucker for macarons. Has nothing to do with coffee 🙂
There are a couple of other coffee shops in Gulf Shores that I was/am interested in trying, but these were on the top of my list.
Would love to hear what you look for in a coffee shop when you are on the road. Drop me a line at redeyeroyce@gmail.com.